Vitamins for hair Purayati

Top 5 Important Vitamins for Hair Growth

The Best Vitamins you need for hair growth you need right away 

People might not notice what you’re wearing but they are quick to notice a prominent bald spot. One can’t deny the fact that luscious hair not only gives you a confidence boost but also provides a snapshot of your general health. That’s why you need to take steps to stimulate hair growth and bring hair fall under control

Why do we need vitamins for hair?  

The first step to be taken to improve your hair is to improve your general health. Any vitamin deficiencies, hygiene issues and even work-related stress can be a huge problem when it comes to your hair. This has commonly resulted in dull, lifeless hair in many people. In such cases, multivitamins can come to your rescue! 

Hair vitamins not only provide the necessary vitamins and minerals for growth but can also alter balding patterns in case of men. Vitamins for hair work on a lot of fronts - they improve the immune system of the body, in general. This results in the user having healthier skin, reduces hair loss and makes the hair thick and shiny.

Some other common problems that hair supplements can combat include dullness, split ends and lack of growth that are caused by deficiency. This means that adding vitamins for hair growth to your diet can make measurable, sustainable changes to your appearance.

What are the best vitamins for hair growth?

There are a few common vitamins and minerals which can greatly alter the condition of your hair and improve it. Some of these are:

1. Biotin

Biotin plays a major part in maintaining the health of our hair, nails and skin. Also called Vitamin H- The vitamin for hair loss, it not only affects hair growth but is also responsible for their health in the long run.

This is because Biotin is important in the production of red blood cells, which then help carry nutrients to the scalp too, along with the other parts of the body. This means that while Biotin known for hair growth may not expressly improve the condition of your hair, a lack of it can have consequences like hair fall and loss of lustre of the hair. Add hair growth vitamins to your diet today!

2. Vitamin A

One of the essential vitamins for hair, Vitamin A is extremely important not just for the hair, but for the body as a whole. This is because most cells in the body require the vitamin constantly in order to grow. Since hair is the fastest growing cell in the body, it is no surprise that the condition of your hair depends upon the amount of Vitamin A in the body.

The Vitamin that’s good for hair, Vitamin A helps in the production of sebum, which is an oily substance produced by the body that keeps the hair moisturized, and the scalp healthy. You can consume this hair growth vitamin with food to help supplement it. 

3. Vitamin B

Another important vitamin necessary for the hair includes the entire B-vitamin family. Now, this includes Thiamine (Vitamin B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Niacin (Vitamin B3), Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5), Vitamin B6, Biotin (Vitamin B7), Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 for hair. We have already discussed Biotin at length. A particular research showed that Vitamin B5 resulted in increased hair growth in women. You can also get the best vitamins for faster hair growth online.  

4. Vitamin C

The main function of the Vitamin C in the body is to reduce the oxidative stress, caused by chemicals called free radicals. If left uncontrolled, free radicals can damage the root of the hair, blocking the chances of growth and making your hair age quicker. Subsequently, Vitamin C is one of the vitamins that helps hair growth 

Vitamin C is also used by the body to produce a protein called collagen, which is an important part of the structure of the hair. In general, it is the vitamin for hair fall reduction and therefore, extremely important if you hope to have your hair in a healthy condition. Ensure to include hair growth vitamins foods in your diet. 

5. Vitamin D

Similar to biotin, a reduction in the vitamin D levels of the body has been found to result in hair loss in large quantities. The medical term for the condition is ‘alopecia’- it is because of the lack of production of new hair follicles. The best vitamins for hair loss tablets contain a healthy dose of vitamin D since they are among the important multivitamins for hair. You can also get hair growth vitamins from food but they are negligible, hence, it’s recommended that you take multivitamin supplements. 

6. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is also an antioxidant just like Vitamin C. Vitamin E is also known for its ability to prevent oxidative stress. In one study, people with hair loss noticed an improvement after consuming Vitamin E for hair growth. increase in hair growth with Vitamin E supplements. If you are wondering which vitamins for hair growth and thickness, should you take, you can take multivitamins that contain Vitamin E along with other essential vitamins and minerals. It’s also suggested that you incorporate hair growth vitamin-rich foods in your diet regime for better results. 

7. Iron

Iron is one of the minerals that’s critical for hair growth and its health. It ensures that sufficient oxygen reaches the roots of your hair and also boosts blood circulation. Its deficiency can lead to hair loss as it hinders the production of hemoglobin in the body which is key for blood circulation. You can treat iron deficiency easily by taking iron supplements as per the recommendation of your doctor. 

8. Zinc

Research suggests that Zinc helps in treating a number of common skin conditions such as dermatitis, Psoriasis and is effective in getting rid of acne. While adding zinc to your diet may not promote hair growth, a lack of it can surely lead to hair loss and render your hair lifeless. In addition to multivitamins, you can also obtain Zinc from foods such as spinach, mushrooms, fish, nuts and more. 

9. Protein

As hair follicles are primarily made up of protein, sufficient protein is extremely important for hair growth. Especially Keratin - a fibrous protein promotes hair health, reduces hair fall and gives it a nice shine and makes it look thicker and full of life. It also adds an extra layer of protection to your hair, reduces breakage and helps repair hair damage. In addition to adding protein to your diet, you can also go for protein treatments to strengthen your hair.

Effects of Vitamin Deficiencies

Many people make the mistake of not supplementing their diets with multivitamin tablets for hair- hair vitamins, after all, are hugely important if you want to improve, or at least maintain the health of your hair. Lack of hair vitamins has disastrous results on your appearance and health, which gradually affect the self-confidence of the person too. 

Vitamin A deficiency in the body results in a decrease in the rate of hair growth since it is greatly responsible for the pace at which growth occurs. The general thickness of the hair also reduces, since there is a lack of sebum on the scalp. Hair fall is the main problem which can affect the person. If he/she suffers from a deficiency of biotin, it would be better to start looking for the best hair growth tablets available.

Ageing is the main problem caused by the lack of vitamin C in the body, and there may be a reduction in the number of follicles present on the scalp as a result of it. Therefore, it will be better to start giving your body hair vitamins by incorporating vitamin tablets for hair fall control into your diet.

There is no doubt that the hair is vital - not just from the health perspective, but also because of the psychological effect it can have. If you feel that your hair has problems due to deficiency, it would be better to start on hair supplements as early as possible.

Should I take hair supplements? 

Many people make the mistake of not supplementing their diets with multivitamin tablets for hair- hair vitamins, after all, are hugely important if you want to improve, or at least maintain the health of your hair. If you are suffering from hair loss or worried about the health of your hair and general wellbeing, you should give vitamin supplements for hair a go. If you feel that your hair has problems due to deficiency, it would be better to start on hair supplements as early as possible. Consult a doctor before you take any hair supplements so that you get the dosage absolutely right. 


What are the best supplements for hair loss?

Vitamins such as Vitamin B, C, E and minerals including Zinc and iron are very effective when it comes to combating hair loss. They also provide the essential nutrients for your hair to stimulate their growth. 

Do vitamins work for hair loss?

If you have vitamin deficiency of any kind, they can not only help control hair loss but also promote hair growth. Additionally, a well balanced diet can also help reduce hair fall. 

What deficiencies cause hair loss?

Vitamin A deficiency in the body results in a decrease in the rate of hair growth since it is greatly responsible for the pace at which growth occurs. Also, a deficiency of minerals like Iron and Zinc and Vitamins including Biotin, Vitamin C can lead to hair loss.

What should we eat to reduce hair fall immediately?

Eggs, dairy products and Vitamin C rich foods help prevent hair fall. While consuming these nutrient-rich foods on a regular basis can help control hair fall, you shouldn’t expect results overnight. 

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