How To Get Clear Skin Naturally - 15 Natural Remedies And Tips

How To Get Clear and Spotless Skin Naturally - Best 15 Natural Remedies And Tips

Best Tips To Get Clear Skin Naturally

Clear and glowing skin is a dream of almost everyone. Yet only a few can achieve it. There are many reasons for it like genetics, any diseases, and lack of knowledge about skincare. While factors like genetics and diseases are almost out of control, there is some part that is under your control. In fact, almost half the work is done when you know how to get clear skin naturally.

But what you know about clear skin should also be actionable. For that, you can use some home remedies for clear skin as most of the remedies are very actionable.

Table of Contents

Easy ways to Get Clear Skin Naturally

If you ask experts about how to get clear and glowing skin, most of them will suggest some natural methods. The best thing about natural methods is that they come with minimal or no side effects. We have curated 15 home remedies that are very actionable and effective for getting clear skin.

1. Turmeric

Indians have been using turmeric for hundreds of years for its healing and cosmetic properties. The spice is indispensable in the kitchen. Although many know turmeric for its culinary uses, its healing properties are slowly being skipped. The young generation asks basic questions like ‘does drinking water clear skin?’ but ignores more effective home remedies like turmeric. 

Turmeric can have the following good effects on the skin:

  • The naturally found chemical substances in turmeric can add to a natural glow.
  • Turmeric has various wound-healing properties.
  • Since turmeric has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities; it can treat psoriasis by keeping flares in control.
  • It can also help in treating acne.

Here is how you make and use a turmeric face mask:

  • Mix honey, greek yogurt, and turmeric.
  • Apply the paste on your skin.
  • Wash off the mask after 15 to 20 minutes.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a treasure of health benefits. The chemical composition of coconut oil is such that it is one of the best natural products to clean and clear for oily skin. Coconut oil can help you in getting you clear skin in the following ways:

  • It increases the hydration of the skin naturally.
  • It helps in bolstering the skin’s protective layer.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of coconut oil are beneficial in reducing inflammation.
  • If there is any dark patch on your skin, you can lighten it by applying coconut oil to it on a regular basis.

The most effective way to use coconut oil is by applying it directly to the skin. Gently rub it with hands or fingers on the desired part of the skin and your skin will be good to go.

3. Green Tea For Healthy Skin

Green tea is very famous for its health benefits, but at the same time, it has so many benefits that more people need to know. Tens of body organs get benefitted if you drink green tea regularly. One of its lesser-known health benefits is that it helps you in getting clear skin. Here is how green tea can benefit your skin:

  • Reduces the chances of skin cancer
  • Delays aging
  • Helps in treating acne
  • Moisturizes skin naturally

There is no need to search for other clear skin tips. All you have to do is use green tea in the following way:

  • Make a cup of green tea as you make it for drinking. 
  • Separate the leaves from the teabag and add them with baking soda and honey.
  • Apply this paste gently on the skin.
  • Wash your face well after around 10 to 15 minutes.
  • You can use the mask 1-3 times a week. 

4. Aloe Vera For Clear Skin

The benefits of aloe vera are known to almost everyone. In fact, such are the benefits of aloe vera for skin that it is one of the most used ingredients in modern-day face washes. Here is how aloe vera can help you get clear skin:

  • It can fasten the process of burn healing.
  • The naturally present chemical compounds in aloe vera gel can clear acne.

The most effective part of the aloe vera plant is its gel. Here is how you can use it:

  • Extract out fresh gel from aloe vera leaves.
  • Apply the gel directly to the part where you want clear skin
  • Wash off the gel from the skin after 20 to 30 minutes with a body wash or face wash.

5. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of the lesser-known natural foods. It is used as an ingredient in some food items. However, this simple-looking source of energy can also help you get clear skin. Here is how oatmeal can prove beneficial for our skin:

  • It can soak up the extra oil present on the skin.
  • Oatmeal can also help in the treatment of skin acne if you add it to your clear skin diet.
  • Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help in removing dead skin cells.
  • Blackheads can also be removed with the help of oatmeal scrub and mask.

You can make an oatmeal scrub easily by the following method:

  • Add oatmeal in lukewarm water, coconut oil, and sugar.
  • Apply this oatmeal scrub on your skin.
  • Clean the face after 20 to 25 minutes with wet tissues.
  • You can use the scrub two times a week.

6. Lemon

The citrus fruit is known for its tangy flavor and benefits for the digestive system. But the vitamin C and antioxidants found in lemon can also help you in getting clear skin. Here is why lemon is often added in most clear skin tips:

  • The antioxidants present in lemon helps in the prevention of premature aging.
  • Since lemons are acidic in nature, they can reduce the alkaline inflammation and decrease the oil present on the skin.
  • Lemon also has anti-fungal properties that help in treating skin infections.
  • It can be used for skin lightening.

To get clear skin, use lemon in the following way:

  • Combine honey, lemon juice, and egg white in a bowl and whisk.
  • Apply this foamy mixture to your face with the help of fingers or a small brush.
  • Rinse off the mask with warm water after half an hour or once you start feeling that the mask is getting tightened. 
  • You can use a wet washcloth instead of using warm water.

7. Olive Oil

Olive oil is a very common ingredient for cooking purposes. The nutrition present in the olives makes it perfect not only for cooking but also for getting clear skin. Here is how olive oil benefits our skin:

  • The vitamins present in olive oil provide nutrition to the skin.
  • The antioxidants present in olive oil can neutralize free radicals and can reduce the chances of skin cancer.
  • Olive oil can act as a natural moisturizer for the skin.
  • It helps in the prevention of skin infections by fighting off bacteria.

To get a clear skin, use the olive in the following way:

To use it as an exfoliator, mix sea salt in it and apply it to the skin. You can use fine-grained sea salt when you are applying it on the face and coarser grains of sea salt when you apply the olive oil to the rest of the skin.

8. Milk

The health benefits of milk are known to the world; it contains nutrition, it can help in building the body, it helps in child-growth, etc. However, the benefits of milk for getting clear skin are relatively lesser-known. 

Here is how milk can help you in maintaining the health of your skin:

  • It helps in treating acne.
  • Not only does milk help in getting clear skin but it also makes the skin glow.
  • When mixed with other ingredients, milk can act as an exfoliator.

To use milk as a skin cleanser, follow the below-written procedure:

  • Take a bowl and add milk to it.
  • Add a few drops of rose water to the bowl. 
  • Apply the mixture on your skin gently with the help of a piece of cotton.
  • Once the mixture is applied all over your face, start rubbing the cotton.
  • Wash your face off with warm water.

9. Almonds

Almonds hold a special place among dry fruits for their various health benefits. It is a pack of nutrition that helps in treating a number of conditions. But did you know that almonds can also help you in getting clear skin? Here is how almonds are good for the health of our skin:

  • Vitamin-E is very nutritious for the skin.
  • The nutrition present in almonds can make the skin soft.
  • Almond oil can protect the skin from the damage caused by skin exposure to the sun.
  • You can delay the aging of your skin by adding almonds in your daily diet

For getting a glowing and clear skin, use almonds in the following way:

  • Soak almonds overnight and grind them to make a paste in the morning.
  • Add honey and milk in the paste of almonds to make a scrub.
  • Use this scrub for exfoliation.
  • Use only cold water for washing off the face after exfoliation.

10. Rose Water

Every person who is interested in getting clear skin must know the use of rose water. Using rose water in your clear skin routine is almost a basic thing to be done. Here is how rose water benefits the skin of its user:

  • Rose can instantly soothe the irritation of the skin.
  • It can reduce down the redness on the skin.
  • It helps in treating various kinds of skin infections.
  • It fastens the process of scars and burns healing.

Here is how you can clear your skin with help of rose

  • Mix a few tbsps of milk and a few drops of rose water in a bowl.
  • Apply the rose-water and milk mixture on your skin gently.
  • Once the mixture is applied all over your face, start rubbing it with cotton.
  • Once the dirt and oil are removed, wash your face with warm water.

11. Honey For Glowing Skin

Honey is a very common ingredient in mild soaps and face washes as it is a very healthy moisturizer for our skin. If you want to get clear skin, you must know how to use it for your benefit. Here is how honey proves itself to be a friend of our skin:

  • Raw honey can be applied topically to treat acne.
  • Conditions like psoriasis and eczema can be treated by the application of honey on the skin.
  • Honey can lighten and brighten the skin.
  • Honey facilitates the process of scars healing.

Here is how you can make a mask with honey:

  • Add honey, lemon juice, and egg white to a bowl and whisk well.
  • Apply this mixture to your skin with your fingers.
  • Rinse off the honey mask with warm water after 20 to 25 minutes.

12. Detox Water For Clear Skin

Detox water has become very trendy in the past few years for its enormous number of skin benefits. It is an inside-out approach to get clear skin. Once you start putting healthy stuff into your body, your skin starts showing the result immediately. Detox water can help you in getting a clear skin in the following ways:

  • Detox water keeps the skin hydrated.
  • It can prevent you from signs of ageing like wrinkles.
  • Detox water lends your skin a child-like glow.

Making detox water at home is very easy. All you have to do is:

  • Add lemon juice and water to a water bottle.
  • Add fruits (whichever you like) into the bottle.
  • With help of a wooden spoon, muddle mint on the glass for extracting oils.
  • It is necessary to refrigerate detox water overnight for the infusion of flavors of fruits.

13. Potato

Potato is the most common vegetable found all around the world. Not only does this vegetable provides energy to the body, as it is a pack of nutrition, but it can also help you in getting clear glowing skin. Here is how a potato proves itself beneficial for our skin:

  • Applying potato peels on a specific part of the skin can make it lighter.
  • Potato can also help in treating skin acne.
  • People also use potato peels for treating dark spots.
  • Acne scars can be treated with the help of potatoes.

Healthy skin enthusiasts often apply potato face masks to their faces. Here is how you can make a potato face mask:

  • Take a large-sized raw potato and extract its juice.
  • Now, add the potato juice to a utensil and mix Fuller’s earth in it.
  • Apply the thick paste of potato and Fuller’s earth to your paste.
  • Wash the mask off after 15 to 20 minutes.

14. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is a very common ingredient for people who take care of their skin. The chemical compounds found in ACV have various properties that are very beneficial for the human skin. Here is how using ACV can help you get a perfect clear skin:

  • The acidic nature of ACV makes it a good ingredient for an exfoliator.
  • The acetic acid found in ACV has antibacterial and antifungal properties. These properties are helpful in fighting off various skin infections.
  • ACV is applied to the skin to treat sunburn.

You can make a homemade ACV face wash by following the below-mentioned steps:

  • Take ¼ cup of warm water.
  • Add 1 tbsp of ACV to the cup.
  • Use this mixture to clean the face instead of using harsh face washes.

Apart from that, you can also make ACV toner and ACV spot treatment at home. 

15. Tomato

Tomato is a well-known ingredient of salads, chutneys, and curries. But did you know that using tomato juice on face skin is also one of the best clear skin remedies? Tomato juice can help your skin in the below-mentioned ways:

  • The pH value of tomato juice makes it perfect to use as an exfoliator.
  • It can act as a natural moisturizer.
  • Tomatoes also help in protecting the skin against harmful ultraviolet rays.

There is no one way of using tomatoes for skincare. You can use it in the following ways:

  • Apply tomato juice directly on the skin.
  • Make a paste by blending a whole tomato. Apply to paste on the face and rinse after 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Add oatmeal or yogurt in the tomato juice to make a face mask. Rinse the tomato face mask with lukewarm water after 20-25 minutes.

Diet For Clear And Healthy Skin

While eating specific foods can help you, making a weekly-chart, and deciding the clear skin diet helps you even more. A diet-plan can save you from the hassle of reading or asking about a specific product on a day-to-day basis. If you know what to eat for clear skin, just buy the foods from the grocery store and you are ready for the whole week. Here is a list of the best foods for clear skin:

  • Fatty fish
  • Avocados
  • Walnuts
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Red or yellow bell peppers
  • Broccoli
  • Tomatoes
  • Dark chocolate, green tea
  • Red grapes

These were some foods that you need to take for good skin. However, there are also some foods that you should avoid in order to get clear skin such as fried foods, extra spicy foods, extra sugary food, etc.

Additional Tips To Get Clear Skin

Do not stop your skincare just with some food products and face masks. Incorporate your skincare into your daily routine. For that, you can try these 15 best tips for clear skin. You don’t need to use every tip, just use those natural tips for clear skin that you find suitable for you: 

  1. Wash your face with clean water at least twice a day to remove oil and dirt from the skin. You don’t need to use hard face washes for it.
  2. Try to use only a mild cleanser instead of the strong one. Strong cleansers can potentially burn your soft skin. 
  3. Use topic therapies to acne treatment. There are various acne-fighting agents available in the market. Use the one that suits your skin.
  4. Make sure that your skin does not remain dry all the time. Use a quality moisturizer if your skin is dry-type. 
  5. Choose the type of makeup that does not clog the pores of your skin. Use only those cosmetic products that are non-comedogenic and oil-free. Don’t sleep with your makeup on your skin. 
  6. The most simple ways to get clear skin are also the most hardest. For example, not picking your skin is a very easy thing to do for your skin. But some people just cannot resist doing it. Consult a dermatologist if you can’t resist the urge. 
  7. Knowing how much water to drink for clear skin can help you treat your acne condition. 
  8. Reduce your sugar intake. Studies suggest that sugar produces a bad effect on your skin. 
  9. Quit smoking or reduce it as much as you can to treat acne.
  10. Exfoliate the dead cells from the uppermost part of your skin on a regular basis. You can use masks or lotions for this process. If you prefer physical exfoliators over chemical ones, you can use brushes or scrubs.
  11. Wash your hair on a daily basis. The oil can move down to the face from hair and cause acne.
  12. Make a habit of wearing sunscreen when going out in the sun.
  13. Make sure that you get enough sleep daily. Many studies have shown that not getting enough sleep produces very bad effects on the skin. And the worst part is that these effects are seen very quickly. 
  14. Do not use very hot water for bathing or washing hands. It can damage the skin.
  15. Relax your body with the help of techniques like yoga, breathing exercises, meditations, writing it out, sound therapy, etc. Some people might find these techniques not very helpful for getting the skin clear. You can check if they work for you.
By now, you know everything about how to get clear skin. From fruits to herbs, you can use naturally available products to get the desired results. If you think that you are not getting the nutrition for your skin, you can try Purayati’s vitamins tablets for skin with biotin
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